Barbarians of Lemuria Mythic⁺ Book + PDF
Arpentez les jungles de Qush infestées de prédateurs,
écumez les mers en compagnie des féroces pirates de l’île du Crâne,
perdez-vous dans les souks d’Halakh la cité des assassins,
explorez les tombeaux des antiques Rois-Sorciers…
En Lémurie, il y a toujours un trésor à piller, une princesse à sauver, un nécromant à affronter !
Barbarians of Lemuria (or “BoL” for its fans) is a medieval fantasy roleplaying game set firmly in the Sword & Sorcery genre. Lemuria is a world that has returned to a prehistoric state, a land where man-eating beasts roam unexplored regions, from the massive sea serpents capable of breaking a war galley in two, to the huge dinosaurs that can swallow a mighty warrior whole.
Central to this violent world of steaming jungles, sun-baked deserts and suffocating swamplands are sprawling cities that have managed to develop through long ages marked by wars and cataclysms. Under the shadows of the city walls in Satarla, Lysor and Parsool, other battles are fought—for power, wealth and glory—while hidden away in their high towers, fearsome sorcerers with terrifying powers pursue much more sinister aims.
Scattered around the untamed regions of Lemuria are the ancient ruins of forgotten cities, temples and tombs. These toppled and cracked structures, choked with weeds and undergrowth, hide vast treasures that will undoubtedly tempt any intrepid adventurer who has the courage to explore their shadowed halls and silent corridors.
Lemuria is a place of epic and myth. The feats and deeds of Hrangarth the Blade-Bearer and his descendants have created many sagas. However, Lemuria is a mighty continent, which offers plenty more adventures for heroes eager to inscribe their name in its legends.
Mythic edition
Discover the Mythic version of Barbarians of Lemuria, the famous Sword & Sorcery roleplaying game created by Simon Washbourne, in a brand-new edition.
Barbarians of Lemuria is a 232-page softcover book with flaps in 8.5” x 11” format. It is magnificently illustrated with over one hundred original black & white drawings by Emmanuel Roudier, a talented artist already well known in the world of roleplaying games (creator of the prehistoric roleplaying game Würm, published by Nocturnal Media).
What you’ll find in this new edition of Barbarians of Lemuria:
- A complete game system, simple but elegant (all you need are two six-sided dice), that allows for freedom of action and encourages free interpretation by the players, so that they can live epic adventures (Hero Points, which allow the characters to attempt all kinds of daring deeds, are great for this). It is easy to get started, and will quickly win over both beginners and experienced players alike. For those familiar with the original Mythic edition, the game system is the same, except for a few corrections and upgrades.
- A detailed description of Lemuria, its geography and its many mysteries.
- A bestiary with more than fifty strange and horrible creatures, along with simple rules to quickly create your own monsters (and demons!).
- Rules you can include in your scenarios and sagas for pitched battles on land and for warfare at sea, where your Heroes will be on the front lines and their actions will have an immediate impact on the outcome of the battle.
- Five new unpublished adventures (including three original scenarios translated from French) and a saga generator if you are lacking inspiration.
- A character sheet and tables that provide a quick overview of the rules.
Informations complémentaires
Poids | 1 kg |
Produits similaires
- Épuisé
Le Dieu voilé
- €39.95
- Lire la suite
- Barbarians of Lemuria, Français, Le Dieu voilé, livres
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